Hi.i can't thank you enough!!!!
where can i learn this? i'd assume learning PHP alone is half the answer, joomla is built on a framework, how do i learn about the framework so i can do this on my own and not mooch more code out of you or other people?
For you, all this looks difficult, but in fact it is not as difficult as it seems.
You will be surprised, but my Php / Joomla Framework / Joomla API skills are extremely low (5%).
The basis is HTML/CSS/JS/Bootstrap/browser Dev Tools. This is what you should study in the first place.
In order to do things like in this topic, you only need HTML/CSS/JS/Bootstrap/browser Dev Tools and an understanding of how PHP is integrated into HTML and what it does. Then, armed with simply logic and copy/paste skills, you can easily do it.
To understand how the PHP works inside the HTML and what it does - study the HTML output and compare it with PHP code.
In the screenshot, red is highlighted the default code of the module. Green is highlighted what I added. Studying HTML сode belonging to the default code through the browser Dev Tools, I realized what it does and where I should add it to my code (just copy/paste).
In this example, I determined what it displays a list of menu items.
Then, I have copied and inserted it into my code --
And yes, you need to study Joomla documentation and the documentation of your template.
For example, to understand what these lines of code are doing ... ... read this article https://docs-next.joomla.org/docs/exten ... -joomla-4/
No fraud, only the dexterity of the hands

Of course, I described all this a little simplified. Practice will help you immerse yourself in this deeper. I hope this will serve you a good starting point.
Statistics: Posted by Pavel-ww — Fri May 03, 2024 7:52 am