I used to how to do this stuff...
.MANY years ago, embarrassed to have forgotten..anyway. Just istalled XAMPP, extracted Joomla zip file to C:XAMPP/htdocs, was running the install and had it ALL filled in THEN clicked the final button (install Joomla) and got this error: Could not connect to the database. Connector returned error message: Access denied for user 'bXXX'@'localhost' (using password: YES) I chose 'run as adminstrator' for xampp in my control panel, and set superuser, password for superuser during setup, so not sure what else to do. I kept getting that error message when I tried to install wamp previously (got fed up, uninstalled wamp and tried xampp lol) Greatly appreciate any ideas, thanks.

Statistics: Posted by Lakeside55 — Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:17 am